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Chateau's Six Dimensions of Wellness

CCDT Staff

Updated: May 9, 2022

A Holistic Approach to Treating the Whole Self

At Chateau Recovery, we do not just treat one part of yourself, but your whole self. The Six Dimensions of Wellness cover every aspect of your life that could require work. In this article, we will explore why it is important to cover all of the bases, and what each dimension represents.

Addressing the Root Cause

Wellness is not just taking care of one part of your life that is out of sync. You need to look at every single part of your life and determine what is unhealthy and what is not working.

People are multi-dimensional, which is why Chateau Recovery takes a well-rounded approach to your care and healing.

There might be multiple parts of your life that are fueling substance use and worsening mental health. Focusing on each different dimension of wellness allows us to zero in to the underlying problems that might be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

By making sure we evaluate every part of the purpose, we make sure that nothing slips through the cracks. Taking the time to look at your life can lower your chance of relapse because an important problem could be missed in treatment.

#1: Daily Wellness

This type of wellness covers what will be most important in your daily life. The areas of your daily life that might be impacted are employment, education, finances, and housing. It can also include how you spend your day and what motivates you. When we address this part of wellness, we are looking at how things in your daily life contribute to your stress levels, mood, and substance use.

This type of wellness just covers the surface, but having a stable day-to-day can create a good foundation to dig deeper and reconstruct your life.

Often, this area of life is disorganized. You might lack the structure you need to function on a daily basis. Taking a look at this part of your life can help us determine what parts of your life need that structure.

#2: Relationship Wellness

This type of relationship is about the bonds you build with others. This covers relationships other than just romantic ones – that is a different type of wellness.

This one specifically covers your support system and the quality of your friendships. If you struggle to keep healthy friendships or do not have a reliable support network, then this type of wellness will get some focus.

It is common for people to not have the best connections. You might have toxic friends who enable your addiction, or you might have very shallow friendships and struggle to get deeper. Relational wellness takes a look at that part of your life, determining where you need to grow.

#3: Family Systems Wellness

Family systems cover both your immediate family, your extended family, and how you deal with those relationships. When focusing on this type of wellness, the main focus will be on your ability to communicate with your family, how well you can enforce and maintain healthy boundaries, and how to form an interdependent bond.

This can cover your relationship with your partner or spouse, your relationship with your parents or extended family members, and your relationship with your children. This type of wellness is separate from relationship wellness because how you relate with your family might be different from how you relate with your friends or your support system outside of your family. The issues between family might be deeper than other social struggles you might have.

#4: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Substance use is directly tied to mental health. As our client, you will go through a screening process where we evaluate your mental health and the best course of treatment. Substance use is often a symptom of something much deeper.

All of our staff is trauma-informed, meaning we approach your care while considering a possible history of trauma and abuse. This part of the Six Dimensions of Wellness also helps you better understand your emotions and rebuild your self-esteem, which could both potentially halt healing, if ignored.

#5: Physical Wellness

Your mind and body are interconnected, meaning if your body is not well, then your brain will not be well. We tackle physical wellness by educating you on your brain health and about substance abuse. Since successful recovery has been linked to frequent physical activity, we also help you build the habit of daily exercise.

Another important part of this section of wellness is nutrition. Eating nutritiously has an enormous effect on your mental health. It may be tempting for you to not eat nutritiously and deny your body of important nutrients that keep you going.

At Chateau, we offer nutrition education, helping you to make the right choices.

#6 Spiritual Wellness

The last type of wellness addresses how you view the bigger picture. It is important to understand that this does not mean we expect you to become religious. Spirituality and religion are not the same. It is important to also focus on spiritual wellness because seeing the bigger picture can help you accept what is not in your control, as well as give you a purpose in life.

We specifically tackle topics like mindfulness, gratitude, ego, and awareness. During this type of wellness, we challenge you to ask and answer the bigger questions in life. This type of wellness is intrinsic to your entire health. By having any type of spiritual connection, whether it be with a higher power, the entirety of humanity, or just with yourself, you can learn a lot more about yourself.

The Six Dimensions of Wellness model works as a way for our staff to address every single need of the client. We do not just focus on one area of a person's life, because we know that people are complicated. We do not just treat the addiction symptoms, but rather the entire person.

The model allows us to look into every possible part of a person's life that is not functioning in a healthy way. Doing this can ensure that after treatment, a person is not only functioning, but thriving. There is nothing that holds them back from a fulfilling, sober life. We are able to tackle the problems that might slip under the cracks elsewhere. Taking care of these problem areas lowers the chance of relapse and addiction remission.

We strive to set people up with the tools they can apply to every aspect of their life. To learn more, call us at (435) 222-5225 today.

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