If a terrible event from an individual's past is contributing to their substance use, it is important to keep in mind that they are not alone. Self-medication as a way to deal with trauma is fairly common. Studies have shown that a history of trauma is very common in patients who struggle with poor mental health and addiction.
Due to this, many treatment clinics automatically screen for PTSD and are structured around the assumption that their patients have a history of trauma. There are many benefits to prioritizing trauma-trained support in a clinic.
If an individual has a history of trauma, or show PTSD-like symptoms, they should consider choosing a treatment center that offers trauma-informed care. Thankfully, this is becoming more common. No one should have to worry about retraumatization due to treatment or judgment from the staff that should put their care first.
What Is Trauma Trained Support?
Trauma-trained support is a method of treatment that leads with the assumption that the people a clinic is helping have PTSD or a history of trauma. This type of treatment allows for mental health care professionals to be considerate of possible triggers. In the past, many places that did not have trauma-informed support were not aware of the underlying causes of their patients' behavior. Now, with trauma-trained support, a professional can work with these patients without causing further harm.
At Chateau, our team is trained to keep potential trauma in mind when working with our clients. This allows for maximum comfort, enabling individuals to fully heal. Our treatment center has a curriculum that can help individuals to slow down and ground themselves. We treat the entire person, instead of one single issue. This attention to an individual's past traumas can keep them safe.
The Benefits of Trauma Trained Support
There are many reasons why clinics offer trauma-trained support as the standard. As more clinics learn about trauma and how common it is among those with other mental health disorders and addiction, the more clinics screen for PTSD and train their staff to be mindful of how trauma can impact a person's treatment. In addition to trauma-informed training, more clinics are starting to offer PTSD-related therapies that can help individuals heal.
Less Likely to Retrigger a Person With Trauma
Trauma-informed support is becoming increasingly popular because of how much it helps patients have a healthy recovery, without causing additional harm. In the past, a major issue with treatment centers and clinics is that they have caused even more harm and trauma. Unfortunately, this has caused many people to be afraid of seeking treatment.
Trauma-informed support keeps trauma and triggers in mind during the healing process. The client is not blamed for their behavior or reactions if they are in a triggered state. They are given tools to cope with trigger exposure in a healthier way. They are not set back by being returned to a triggered state when they should be healing.
Allows for the Patient to Talk About Trauma When They Are Ready
Client's should not be forced to talk about their trauma if they are not ready. This is especially important if they are not physically or emotionally stable. If a client does not feel safe or secure and has not had time to adjust to treatment and build rapport with their treatment community, they are less likely to naturally open up. Trauma-informed support allows the client to feel more comfortable opening up without feeling pressured.
Increases the Likelihood of a Successful Recovery
Those who were exposed to more trauma or were triggered in recovery tend to relapse after treatment. Retraumatization only opened wounds and made underlying disorders that much worse. This then causes them to turn to substance use or other unhealthy coping mechanisms as a way to self-medicate.
It makes them that much more unlikely to reach out for help in the future, due to their experience.
Additionally, those who are retraumatized in treatment tend to leave programs earlier due to the emotional turmoil they experience. This does not allow them to fully heal and leaves them worse off than they started. Trauma-informed support keeps the client safe, comfortable, and stable throughout the process, giving them the space to fully heal.
Creates a Safer Space to Heal
Healing is the most important part of treatment. Trauma-informed support allows the client to build trust, slowly peel back the layers, and focus on the underlying issues at their own pace. They do not feel pressured to expose their vulnerabilities when they are not ready. They can slow down and ground themselves until they feel safe enough to tackle the trauma and blockage that keeps them from having a fulfilling life.
Allows for a More Complex Treatment Plan
Treating only one illness does not keep in mind the complexity of people. There is not a perfect one-size-fits-all approach. Trauma-informed support keeps this in mind and understands that people are complex individuals with sometimes troubling histories. Dual diagnoses allow people to create a more complex treatment plan that addresses the entire person. Nothing is left out.
Treating PTSD with other disorders such as depression, anxiety, and substance use disorder needs to consider the sources of those conditions. It is not as simple as treating the individual symptoms. The entire person and their experiences need to be considered. Substance use disorder tends to be a symptom on its own, more so than an independent illness. Keeping this in mind allows individuals to dig deeper and really uncover the real causes so they can form solutions that can actually work.