Assessments & Treatment Planning
Chateau makes sure you are intimately involved in the formulation of your treatment plans. After your initial assessments (listed below), you will be asked to consider all potential barriers and stressors that would interact with your treatment.
Every individual leaves the treatment planning process with a customized plan. Treatment goals are reviewed weekly to verify that your objectives are on track.

Chateau makes sure you are intimately involved in the formulation of your treatment plans. After your initial assessments (listed below), you will be asked to consider all potential barriers and stressors that would interact with your treatment.
Every individual leaves the treatment planning process with a customized plan. Treatment goals are reviewed weekly to verify that your objectives are on track.

Everyone in the program receives 2+ hours per week of individualized sessions master-degree level licensed professional counselor/therapist (CMHC, LCSW, MFT, PHD).
Techniques vary in accordance to the individual therapist and the presenting problems, cognitive level, and master treatment plan.

Group Therapy & Psycho-Education
Formal group sessions are held daily. This modality assists clients path toward individualized goals and objectives. Groups may be centered on verbal communication or use other strategies such as art and common group interests.
Group psychotherapy addresses several specific areas such as Interpersonal & Family Relationships, Dysfunctional Behavior Patterns, Transcendent Connections & Belonging, and Daily Functionality.

Family Participation
Family involvement is of primary importance to the outcome of treatment. Chateau highly recommends that the family support network be involved as much as possible.
Family therapy over the All family members that are given permission by the client are included in our Family Support Program.

Discharge Planning & Aftercare
Individualized discharge planning begins upon admission and continues throughout your stay. The initial discharge plan and discharge criteria are formulated at the master treatment planning session. The discharge plan and discharge criteria are re-evaluated and updated in the treatment plan with each treatment planning review session.
After discharge, a written continuing care plan goes into effect. The aftercare, called the “Self-Leadership Plan” plan is developed with the participation of the client, their family (if involved), and the primary therapist/case manager